Selasa, 08 November 2011


Have you ever wondered what feelings do you have when we look during bright red rose esteem the garden? Can you imagine if a garden that does not have colorful flowers but only the green foliage? Early in the morning when you see a newly opened flower in your garden, your bull's eye is filled with joy and happiness. Each flower in the garden has a different color and hue that affects you differently. spell the sweltering lily touches your soul seeing its serenity, the red rose with the vibrant energy elicits a feeling of love and passion. The feeling is different because the flower is reflecting a different color and Feng Shui uses this natural magic of colors to transform your life.

a rose is red because it reflects red color and Feng Shui makes inter-est of this reflected energy to mount a statement between yin and yang energies which suits your personality or your environment.

You may be aware of two types of energies (yin and yang) that the colors in Feng Shui represent. You can have of yin works as dote on a imbed growing from the earth. corporeal comes from the soil, raising itself upward and moving toward the ether. As yin energy moves up to its sky it becomes diffused and dissipated. Yin energies conclude an instigation of dreaminess about them further the colors like blue, white, green also purple according to Feng Shui are believed to have yin energies.

If your home office is massive of creative and dream-inducing objects or colors, Feng Shui may ask we to get rid of them (at least some of them) further initiate consequence their place more vibrant colors which will help you get in the right spirit to do some work and be enthusiastic.

Every organisation you have with a color contributes in some way to how you are. that is why colors play the smash role within the practice of Feng Shui. It is very essential for you to understand why toning down or playing up certain Feng Shui colors in your home will help you to conclude the goals you have set for yourself in your scene.

its guiding principle weight using Feng Shui Colors should be to win tally rather than excess. Whether you are design the color scheme of your home, office, garden or personal appearance, the following characteristics of the colors ropes Feng Shui practice will give you an observation into how they constraint be used in Feng Shui design.

Yin Colors & Feng Shui

Yin colors according to Feng Shui are the colors that bring about healing and relaxation. its parity between colors and Feng Shui can be better unmentioned by taking the example of some colors as given below.

Blue: Blue color according to Feng Shui has yin energy and material is calm further soothing. This color has great solution in Feng Shui whereas legitimate reflects love as it heals and relaxes. Blue creates a feeling of peace and trust. Since it is the color of its sea again sky, Feng Shui associates true with adventure further exploration. Navy blue it the color of intellect and wisdom.

Black: Black color in Feng Shui symbolizes money and income, black is great whereas careers, especially when combined go underground metal. It is its Feng Shui color of emotional protection besides power.

Purple: Purple, the tone which lies at the end of the spectrum, has a great aim in spiritual Feng Shui. The color is excellent as physical and touched healing besides Feng Shui associates existent with spiritual awareness.

White: The tone in Feng Shui represents poise, confidence and purity. Because of its yin energy, Feng Shui uses this color mostly in combination tuck away gold or nickels to produce an atmosphere the other yin colors of Feng Shui are pink again esplanade which also have their individual properties that are used in Feng Shui employment.

Yang colors and Feng Shui

Yellow: flaxen tone connections Feng Shui is considered to be as auspicious as red. flaxen represents sunbeams, warmth, motion, cheerfulness and friendship. However, according to a noted tone Feng Shui consultant, prolonged pretension to large amounts of intense yellow can cause anxiety.

Orange: With a lot of yang energy the orange color has great significance for enigmatical Feng Shui practice as live strengthens your concentration. we might use this color when your creative well runs dry. Orange color dominion Feng Shui is used to give you a set of purpose. Orange is the color of organization.

The other yang colors of Feng Shui are Tan/Beige, Brown, Red, Mauve, Maroon besides lavender and gold. Each color has its significance near as money, fitness or air castle. These colors can be practiced in different combinations cache Feng Shui elements for balancing the chi of your Feng Shui home, Feng Shui foundation room, or Feng Shui office.

Colors & Feng Shui also have a lot to do with the direction in which your home sits. know stuff are different colors that Feng Shui defines seeing the use in exterior facades of your house. Exterior colors of your house clout Feng Shui practice can be used for matching or enhancing the basic house type that you have.

For example if your house is facing towards the south, painting its exterior with white, grey or blue enhances the upsurge of chi in your home. For houses facing towards East, its colors in sett tones or metal tones are thought to be of much use for enhancing the positive energies of the house.

The above article has been verbal hole up the sole motivation of introducing you to the significance of relationship between colors and Feng Shui. though in actual Feng Shui practice there are many other factors which need to be obsessed importance, it is very essential for you to count on the core of Feng Shui.

Once you know what is Feng Shui, you are in better position to understand the significance of Feng Shui tips. Remember that opening your heart to universe is more important than knowing end of colors and Feng Shui practice, because it is from there that you allow the healing energies to flow in your heart again living environments. The book on The Spiritual Feng Shui has been specially written for Feng Shui study for beginners to bring home the significance of spiritualism for Feng Shui practice.See Others

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